

Nordic-Russian Green Growth Arena

The purpose of the umbrella project NORDIC-RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA is to implement green growth development principles in the North-west Russian regions and municipalities based on Nordic experience.

Seminar-Dialogue Strategies and Best Practices for Sustainable/ Green Development of Cities and Regions (13-15 June 2012, Petrozavodsk, Russia)

On June 13-15, 2012 in Petrozavodsk (Onego Palace Hotel) the international seminar Strategies and Best Practices for Sustainable/Green Development of Cities and Regions took place. The Seminar was held in the framework of 2 international project: Nordic-Russian Green Growth Arena (Nordic Council of Ministers) and Eco-Efficient Tourism (Karelia ENPI CBC Programme).

Seminar  organizers: Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in St Petersburg, International Centre for Social and Economic Research Leontief Centre and non-profit partnership Centre for Problems of the North, Arctic and Cross-border Cooperation” (North-Centre).

Seminar gathered more than 60 specialists, united by the idea of elaborating and implementing strategies for sustainable development of cities and regions. Scientists and research students, representatives of authorities of different levels, business and international organizations got familiarized with the best Russian and foreign "green" development practices designed and implemented within international programs and projects.

The seminar served as a unique model of efficient network cooperation of authorities, scientific, international and educational institutions. It helped establish a solid platform for implementation of joint decisions and development of partnership links.

  • Materials
  • Video
  • Photoreport
  • Kizhi Island study visit

    Мероприятия > Семинар-диалог "Стратегии и лучшая практика устойчивого/зеленого развития городов и регионов"
    (13–15 июня 2012, г. Петрозаводск, Россия)

  • With deep regret  we inform about sudden  death of our partner and friend Oleg Chikurov, genius interpreter and inspiring bright man. BLESSED MEMORY OF OLEG CHIKUROV