Nordic Green Day in the framework of XI All-Russian Forum Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia (22-23 October 2012, St Petersburg, Russia)On October 22-23, 2012 the Nordic Green Day in St Petersburg (Russia) was held in the framework of XI All-Russian Forum Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia. The event Strategic Planning Leaders Forum is arranged annually in Saint Petersburg. The mission of the forum is to enhance balanced and sustainable development of the regions and cities of Russia by means of improving the system of territorial strategic planning, supporting coordination and public dialogue on long-term development priorities, and creating and promoting up-to-date planning standards. Among the organisers on the high level - State Duma of the Russian Federation, Ministry for Finance of the RF, Ministry for Regional Development of the RF, Ministry for Economic Development of the RF, Saint-Petersburg City Administration. The key international Event - Nordic Green Day - was organized during the Forum promoting Norden as a leading region in green growth and sustainable development , bringing together Nordic and Russian participants of the umbrella NCM project NORDIC-RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA. Nordic Green Day was held in 3 workshops: Workshop 1: Green Planning Instruments and Strategies Мероприятия > Nordic Green Day в рамках XI общероссийского Форума стратегического планирования |
With deep regret we inform about sudden death of our partner and friend Oleg Chikurov, genius interpreter and inspiring bright man. BLESSED MEMORY OF OLEG CHIKUROV
This publication has been produced with the financial support from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the coordinators of this study and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Nordic Council of Ministers |